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Get Balanced With Us

Get Balanced With Us

Here's a few tips on how the Seol + Gold team are keeping the balance whilst WFH..


get the balance

Firstly, we wear it. Keeping it on us is a visual reminder to achieve that balance.  


Treat yourself and go read this collection of beautiful stories, with a story being added daily. If you feel inspired you can submit one yourself, our recent creativity competition showed us the wordsmiths that are in our community, it's easy to submit and we'd love to read yours on the site too.



self care seol gold

Easy to say, harder to do. Whether your version of self-care is a face mask, exfoliation, dry-brushing, cleansing your face or painting your nails, allow time for it. 


foot soak benefits - seol gold

This is our favourite way to unwind as recommended by acupuncturist goddess Maria Christofi. We follow her advice and fill a washing up bowl with hot water and magnesium salts, then soak away. It's relaxing, easy to do, and definitely helps us feel grounded. To read more on the benefits of foot soaking and other ways to heal yourself, click here.   


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